Saturday, July 31, 2010


You wait and plan for something to happen and then the time is gone and I feel the emptiness that I felt as each child left home. Now, our grand daughter is flying back to Grand Cayman Island where she has a busy life working and enjoying walking her dog and being with friends.

It is hard to imagine how old our earth is and the time that happened before us and that will go on when we are gone. Our lives began in the womb of water that protected us and surrounded us. The world must seem a strange place to a newborn babe. I find at times in my life the world seems like a strange place to me but I am happy being strange. Like the little girl in the story "The Inside Out Girl" who marches through life being very different has a sense of her own worth. She fights to wear what she wants to wear, mismatched and colorful and even inside out if she feels like it. She does not fit in in school but she lives in her own world most of the time. Society decides what is normal and we can make others feel awkward when they are different. It has taken years of struggle and pain for us to accept gay people but now that is slowly changing.

I think it is strange for a president to appear on T.V. talk shows because there is serious work he should be doing. I was taught you did your work first before you were allowed to play. Time change and things get better but memories still live with us. It was sad for us to leave our old house on the hill where all our the children have great memories but the time had come for us to find a smaller house closer to the stores etc.

Time for me to be an Inside Out grama and be a liitle rebellious; deciding I do not want to be told what to do, or think, or believe or yes even eat!


Anonymous said...

So glad your test is over and that all is looking healthy. AH HA to your final lines. Love from your rebel friend Jane.

larry bennett said...

looks like an inside-outside person would be the type of friend one would want for life

larry bennett said...

being yourselfe is all very well - but one must also now and then listen to those who love you!!