Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Why are some people just down right nasty? Hurting people will distort the truth to make themselves look superior. Most people do not want to face the truth about themselves and consequently will never, never change. Both sides have to be willing to be honest and open but people get trapped into the manipulations of the people I guess they want to please and step upon those who they can abuse. People choose what they want to believe and find strength in their superiority. Grouped together they form a barrier against the rest of the world. We all function in our own narrow range of encounters and limited experiences.

We are all fragile human beings and I know that I can be easily hurt and others do not even realize what they are saying or doing is so hurtful. I have also done this to others and only by reflecting on it have realize how hurtful I have been.

I caught the end of Ophra yesterday where she was talking to a person who had written a book "Women Food And God" where the message was if you are not in touch with your own sacred self, the energy that flows from a divine source, life will eat you up. We all crave something when we feel misunderstood, rejected and wounded and food is one of the things that comfort us.

Why am I feeling hungry?

I know that I often say to myself am I eating because I am hungry or just because I crave something? I love my walk in the morning because the world looks so fresh and the day is full of promise. I plan what I want to get done but that does not always work out.

I had lots of energy yesterday morning but ended up having a huge afternoon nap, a Rip Van Winkle Nap, where I just could not wake up. Very unusual for me to sleep so deeply even at night.

Of course I should be happy I have a lot to be thankful for. I think that was part of what the author was talking about. Finding happiness in what you have and learning to be patient in the difficult times. It is hard to look at successful people, rich and famous, and realize that they too are searching for meaning in their lives.

When we were at the get together the where most people knew each other I noticed the business people gathered in a group and then the family where in a group and friends talked to friends I was tempted to just sit quietly and wait for someone to come and talk to me. I think of one of my friends who would have boldy gone right into the midst of any of the groups. I had to make an effort and in the end I did find several friendly people. One lady was a girlfriend of Lois's and actually remembered us.

Why did I feel so uncomfortable?

A beautiful setting, amongst beautiful people left me cold and I think a little angry. Did they care about the rest of the world?

The dandelion seeds blow away in the wind but find new places to grow and become strong.

I am trying to tell myself "why dwell on something that will make you unhappy". I cannot chance the past and I cannot control the future.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I am dealing with why dwell on what makes me unhappy. Like a sore tooth you keep pushing with your tongue. "Make love not war", sure is not how I am feeling yet, but if others can do it so can I!

Nancy said...

Beth...love your writings...they are honest...not all flowers but some thorns too...as is life!
Your photos are from the heart...things that people often overlook, perhaps as unimportant, BUT they are important to those who have the eyes to see and understand.
God gives us many blessings....the glorious sunsets are easy to see, but the seed pods are wild flowers ( or as many say WEEDS, are not.
When problems come up in life that I have no control over....and I worry and fret over them, I give them to God....he has HIs wonderful way of dealing with them. Often not the way I think would happen...but the RIGHT way. Sometimes I have to give them to him a few times as they will creep back in to my thoughts. BUT it works!