Thursday, February 17, 2011


Life is so full of good and beautiful things.  I feel so much better after two nights of sleeping well and knowing my test is done.  Today I am not nauseated and that too is a great relief.  I know that I am healthy but it is the little discomforts that seem to drain your energy and make you realize that yes you are getting older.  Then I also wonder what am I doing wrong that may be causing my indigestion.   I am so thankful that I have a granddaughter to share symptoms with and she is so good about giving advice.  Sandra and Carol where also good at listening and helping me with ideas. 

  I walk freely with my camera around peaceful streets, stopping to take pictures here and there.  I smile at those I meet and  am some times given a smile in return.  I try to see the goodness in others and make the best of disappointments and discouragements.  Doing good in some small way seems to help me find a happiness and a contentment,  I do not take on the big problems of the world because that is not my gift.

We have all heard the expression I can't complain but it seems I did the right thing when I complain about how miserable I really was feeling.  I feel guilty if I do not have a plan for the day, forgetting that relaxing is good for the soul, to enjoy the beauty that I can see and appreciate.  I need to let go of the feelings of being dissatisfied, restless and anxious.

I am slowing down and now I have to learn to be patient with this.  Taking time just to dream and enjoy the moments that are like poetry to be read slowly and each word has depth and meaning.

Today dad will be taking our friend's daughter and then bringing her here for a visit if she wants to come.  I want to make some cookies and visit Jim at the Nursing home.  Then we will celebrate Jeff's and Larry's birthday by going out for dinner. 

"The soul, our immaterial essence, grows when we do less with a greater sense of appreciation, a gentler manner and a sweeter disposition."  Alexandra Stoddard.  When you are not feel well it is so easy to become impatient because even every word you say or thought you try to think takes too much energy.
I want to be wonderfully healthy which for me can be different from someone else. 

I am reading a book called the "Hidden Power of the Gospel" which looks at each gospel; from the point of view that each has a different message and theme and they are meant to be read as a progression.  The first Matthew is all about change.  Question will arise in each gospel and the answers will come as we keep reading and searching.

"Life and the grace available to it, is rarely linear and well defined."  Alexander J. Shaia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are feeling a lot better this morning. I was thinking greek for tommorrow night, have you guys had that lately? Oh, and not sure if I included Panteli in the Facebook invite if you want to call him.