Saturday, February 5, 2011


The view from our corner  window in the Sylvia was breathtaking.  It was like being far away in a different time and place.  We met another lady who had been coming there for years, she was younger than us, and had a joyous personality.  Many of the customers are older and we seem to fit in, and regulars like us.  We are extremely fortunate to be able to enjoy days like this together.  We have both known very, very busy day when there seemed very little time to relax.  I know looking after four children was a handful for me.  Dad had his work and all his other involvements.

Life for me is now about enjoying the view and watching my great grandchildren grow up and enjoying my children and grandchildren.  I love it went a grandchild says come play with me because i get to play again.  I love reading stories because they are so funny and can be read over and over again. 

Yes I grew up viewing the world as a Christian and although I admire other religions I do not think there is any other  faith where the love of God is expressed so vigorously.

 A mystic can see into the heart of all religions while the intellect struggles with them all.

The philosophy behind all religions invades the lives of those who would deny they are believers; and because it does they can be better persons than many of us who profess to believe.  Faith shines through in all the little things we do; from caring about our friends to caring about animals.

I have absorbed many fascinating  ideas through through reading and studying and I try to live out my faith with loving forgiveness.  Love and forgiveness are woven into my soul because I am aware of how often I offend others; some times without meaning to.

We need both the intellect and the mystic to see the whole picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice photos Mum,looks like no wind at all.