Saturday, February 26, 2011


  I start to think about the patterns in our lives and how often we do the same things over and over again, making the same type of mistakes.  I believe  that even  in these repetitions that our like circles that bring us again and again to a familiar place there is transformation at work.  Sometimes we have to see the need for change or to use a biblical term repentance.  The ego fights against this because within us all there is a woundedness and a fear of change. 

I like the way the scripture describes Jesus' experience after his baptism where a dove came and rested gently upon him and spoke affirmation to him.  Again I think of the humanness within Jesus that long to know the assurance of a father.  "Beloved Son, the voice said I am well plesed with you!"

The dove that brought the branch of new life to Noah continues the pattern.

Change can happen in our lives like this with the gentle nudge of loving voice within us.  I am not alone and I am loved.

Yesterday was a happy day as I had a short walk in the light snow fall and happen to meet my dear neighbor, Gunta, spreading salt on her path.  She lost her husband of many years in December.  I invited her down to our house and she said she would come some day but not to day. 

Then Kenny phoned to say he would slype us about two.  I used what little snow there was to make a snow-ball but this did not impress Matthew who would have no idea of what it was or felt like.  Matthew was having a great time making dinner on the new oven that belonged to Jasmine and they both were enjoying it together.  They are very bright and cute children and I know Melina and Kenny are very proud of them.  It was so good to be able to be right in the room with them.  We saw Mathew riding his scooter across the hall and heard Jasmine saying her A  B  C's.

We were still on skype when Gunta came walking down the street and I was so happy to see her too.  She has had a very interesting life coming here from Germany.  Her son had an airplane at Boundary Bay airport just like dad's.  Well a Cessna.

We enjoyed her visit and when she left the snow had started to fall again.  I fed the raccoon last night as he walked by our front yard. and today I will feed the birds again. This morning the world is so beautiful and white so I must be off to take some pictures and take a walk before dad decides it is too dangerous.  I do not think it is slippery.  Anyway he will get to try out his car when we go to church.

Randy and Sandra are coming to have a shower because they are demolishing their bathroom.  What a Job!

My snow ball with a face and hat!  I should have thought of this before!


Anonymous said...

Matthew likes the snowball.

beth bennett said...

I made him a body too for Sandra and Randy to see but they did not come over.

It is now melting.

love mom