Saturday, February 12, 2011


I have never been a good dancer but I have been a good dreamer and I love to watch others dance and your heart just dances along with them.  It is hard once you believe something about yourself to let it go.
I use to put the Vineyard worship tapes on and dance around my living room when I was home alone.  I love music and yet I often forget to listen. 

In the beginning the good book says there was the Word but people were not listening.  So God, who is much wiser then us, decided I will send a story teller.  We all love a good story, some like telling them and others like listening.  Both are important.  We remember the story long after we have heard it.  I love to hear the stories that old people tell and it brings life back into their voice again.

"May I wake up ready for that daily, yet the greatest gift of all, a fresh start".  wisdom from another Gama.

I have met people who tell you the same sad story over and over again and it seems like they are trapped in their grief.  Others I have met create an illusion of happiness and so it comes as a surprise when you hear what they have been through.  Sometimes I look back and see what I could have done differently but the older I get the less it matters.  Maybe I am here to accomplish certain things and like another wise person said : "I am so far behind I will never die". 

We had a good visit from Sandra while she was waiting for her car to be repair but instead they decided it could not be done by them.  A leaky roof in rainy B.C. is not good!  We compared notes about our health issues and I was given some suggestions.  Seeing the humor in life always helps and makes for a good story.
With your dad around he always has a good tale or two. 

Stories that are full of courage and hope and determination remind us of the goodness in the simple things of life.  We take our freedom for granted until we see the people in Cairo willing to die for it.  They are happy to see this chapter of their lives come to an end and we can only hope that the future will benefit those who have been abused and mistreated. 

The key to a happy life is knowing when to listen and when to voice an opinion.  It is helping others until you do not notice your own needs anymore.  Stories add color and beauty to our lives!  Jesus knew he was doing his Father's will every time he told a story.  A lost sheep, a seed that falls on rocky ground, a father who waits for a son to come home, a woman who searches for a lost coin that meant so much to her so she sweeps her house clean!


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