Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Well, I sailed through today; starting with a good walk every early.  Then off to the doctor and it was decided another scope was needed.  Just to make sure that all is well and because of my blood tests looking good we, the doc and I figure it probably is okay.  He was surprised I had never seen a nutritionist.  I made it back in time to join the Jetlag group and that is always a fun gathering.  Also learn a lot about life and where we are all at.  We connect the stories we are reading with the happenings that go into making up our story.  We share so many experiences, the same disappointments and the same joys.  Weaving the spiritual into the ordinary and keeping it real can be a challenge.

To-morrow I go with dad to take our young friend to get her meds. and then off to see Morgan do her dancing.  It will be a busy time but we are looking forward to it  A good time to make a few Valentine deliveries!.


nancy-Lou said...

I do hope you are feeling better Beth. I saw a dietitian twice regarding my Celiac Disease and he really opened my eyes. Even to the point of not using the same cutting board as the one I cut bread on for my husband. I know that I am not that sensitive to gluten,but still have to watch out. I suggest seeing a dietician or nutritionist. I find the digestive enzymes very good as well and take two before eating. If I forget, look out for nausea, bloating and gas. It can be so painful and tiring can't it? I do hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

So, are you going to go see a nutritionsist?

beth bennett said...

Got my exercise running back and forth to the bathroom last night. I can do it in my sleep well I wish I could.

Of course I slept in the day we were to both be up early. But all went well.

Had a heart warming visit with Morgan and Theresa. Life is still worth the living.

I will take it a day at a time.

Love mom