Sunday, February 6, 2011


I am told not to take a picture pointing into the light but I still continue to so so.  There is something so beautiful and magical in the light reflecting on the water.  Light changes everything and I think if we could really discover "truth" our lives would be changed. 

Sad to say people are becoming less religious in our culture today according to a new book by Reginald Bibby, attending church less and dividing people into those who accept religion and those who reject and criticize it.  Leading lives that are on the surface comfort it may seem like their is no need of religion.  We who live out what we believe also are aware that religion does not hold all the answers to life.  I like to believe that we have a soul and that there is a spiritual spark within each one of us!

"Bibby's results do show that religious people are much more inclined to feel an emotion that can, in many cases, be life-enhancing."  Douglas Todd in the Saturday Sun.

In my Case for God that we are reading the sentence that stands out for me is "The essence of Jewish teaching was the disciplined refusal to inflict pain on other human beings, everything else was only commentary."

Our drive over to see Shirley in her new apartment yesterday was enjoyable.  Her rooms are small but comfortable.

 This morning we will join others who attend church, synagogues and temples.  Both the churches we go to have certain strengths but one they both have is a commitment to the poor and the lonely.  Both have a strong belief in the power of prayer which helps support one another.  We all have ups and downs in our lives and it is good to share our worries and also our thankfulness in all of life.

Sounds like the rain and wind are hitting Melbourne hard again.

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