Sunday, February 20, 2011


Memories bring the past to life again and means more and more to us as we get older.

We had a memorable party at Sandra and Randy's to celebrate dad's birthday.  It seems like face book is good to make some plans but there is nothing like a phone call to straighten things up about where and when!  We could have had it at our house but I did not know this was discussed and I am still not sure.

Dad really appreciated getting together with everyone and it is good to actually see one another.  Kim and Carol skyped from the Island but we could not hear them.  Anyway they could hear us and the dogs, Kim's dog and Leah's two had fun looking at each other.  Dad has one more party coming up in March where a group of people who have birthdays in February will be getting together.

We may be taking the bus and sky train to the airport to have a quick visit with Rick but that has not been confirmed, either by face book or by phone.  But we do know Rick is planning a business trip to ?  the name to be filled in later because I cannot remember where right now.  O I think I remember it is Terrace.

I am off to Chapters to order my book for the Lenten series which will be lead by our minister Daniel starting soon.  Talking about books I always take a book with me when I am waiting somewhere and a lot of the time I am asked what are you reading.  If it is a novel, like one of Grisham's they comment that  it should be good but if it is a religious book they do not know what to say.

I have this feeling that within me the soul remembers past spiritual experiences, a reality beyond what the mind can see and understand.  Somewhere deep inside me lies the truth of possible inner illumination.  This cannot be expressed in any dogma or creed but challenges us to become true to all we where meant to be.

I have never read the book "The Varities of Religous Experience" by William James but I find it quoted again in the book I am reading.  James compares a religion of the helthy mined to those of the sick-souled; which he judges to be the more profound spiritual instinct.  It is centered on crisis, division and deliverance.  This to means presents a picture of my inner self, that house with many rooms, through which one passes drawn to the room that is full of light.

I acknowledge that as a fully human human being I can be lead astray but I will always believe in the mystery of the sacred that comes in moments of silence that somehow separates me from the worldly world.  This allows me to want to see the goodness in others; to rise above any hurt feelings that sicken my soul and bring separation.

My memories take me back to the years when we listened to the news of the war on the radio every day and grew our own vegtables and did without sugar, butter and meat to help the was effort.  We still live in a fearful reality that our standard of living is on the brink of change and although the rick always seem to get richer there are more and more people becoming poor.

I walk by people who stand at the corner of the street walking back and forth advertising pizza.  For this they are paid with a pizza.  I wonder about the different ones I see and how they have come to be where they are.  What are their memories?


Anonymous said...

How do you know they are paid in Pizza, did you ask them?

beth bennett said...


Anonymous said...

must be good pizza