Tuesday, February 22, 2011


This is from yesterday.  Not one of our better days.  The plan was simple to meet at the dollar store and I thought I said the dollar store in Scottsdale; but when I was not there dad tried to think like me and walked over to the old dollar store by London Drugs.  He had walked down, which is unusual, so his feet where getting sore and he was cold waiting outside the wrong store and feeling emotionally stressed.  A small critical moment for him while I was happy looking around the dollar store.  Why do we keep making these same mistakes?

Well the best laid plans of mice and men off go astray.

The hockey game is on and I am sure Michael John will cheer for Montreal.

It seems to me that there are more and more disasters in our world.  Another earthquake in New Zealand and unrest and revolutions, prices of Hydro and gas threatening to go up.  The list of people I know getting cancer continues to grow and I have less faith in giving to those who say they are helping to find solutions.

How can we stay calm and how can we keep our hearts open and be optimistic?

Today I am off to my study at Colebrook Church and enjoy the friendship there. 

Life is full of absurdities and we have to learn to live with them.

"I believe because it is absurd."   Tertulliam in the second century.


Anonymous said...

Yes, one does have to wonder why you 2 keep making the same kind of losing each other mistakes. I guess it just goes to show after 50 odd years you really dont know what the other person is thinking

beth bennett said...