Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Dad will now be going to a better more qualified specialist for his glaucoma.  He may need some different eye drops and a more thorough exam. The pressure is slowly rising.  He goes next April 6 for a 2 hour exam.  This was not unexpected news but dad has really respected and liked his eye doctor so too bad he will not be seeing him any more.  There are two reasons he needs better care and also his own eye doctor will be retiring soon so a good time to change.We had a quiet drive home with a short stop at the town and country for soup and salad. 

I will go in with dad when he goes to see his new doctor so I can understand better.

Dad's tooth is not bothering him too much.  He has not had to have his strong pills today which is good.

Dad seems happy to come home and go on the computer and watch the news about Japan.  I know it is a terrible tragedy but I can only watch so much.  I am trying, with my nose runny non stop, to type.  I am feeling better but just in the cranky stage where I want to do things but I start then stop.

 I worry best by keeping busy which is a bit hard right now when I am feeling tired.

It has been said that everyone needs a purpose in life and when you find that purpose you will find happiness.  Today my goal is just to be happy.  I will laugh at my mess knowing that one day it will be re-organized.

But for now it is the time to pray.
 Prayer is not magic but it is mystical and beyond our understanding.
   Prayer is certainly healing.
    I pray and leave the results up to God.

God be in my understanding
God be in my impatience
God be with us all!


Anonymous said...

WEll, at least you are able to see to type, and your fingers still work. Randy has his colonoscopy booked for Friday in Abbotsford so Thursday and Friday we will not get much done. He thinks he can work on the bathroom while he is "cleansing" on Thursday. We will see eh.

beth bennett said...

Ha Ha Ha Ignorance is bliss!