Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Dad has an appointment at the Eye Center in Vancouver which I remembered because I had written it down.  We think he does not get his pupils dilated but we will see when we get there.  He prefers to drive home if he can.  Since it is just off Broadway we can go for coffee or lunch if we want the worst thing is the parking that you have to make sure you put enough money in the meter.

Went shopping for summer clothes over to Winners yesterday.  Dad got a really, really nice shirt that was on the sale rake but ended up not on sale but I am glad he got it.  I got a pretty skirt that said large but it was on sale and I am sure I will grow into it.  We both are quick shoppers and are in and out real fast.

Came home and had a visit with Rosanne my neighbor from the New West. apartment.  We have many things in common; our love for our families and our faith in God and our questioning of life,  and our love of reading.  but she struggles with loneliness as her husband died 10 years ago. 

My reading is heavy right now as I am reading "Chasing a Mirage" about the deceit in the violence that has become apart of the Islamic culture which is rooted in political power and need for domination while the spiritual is being crushed.

History continues to reveal the darkness that is in the human soul and certainly the abuse and misuse of religion has allowed freedom to be taken away when our lives are controlled by evil.  Women in many countries are struggling against violence in their own families where they are forced to be obedient.

I admire the bravery of all women who are struggling to become true to themselves and continue to try to better their own lives as they speak out against abuse.


Anonymous said...

summer clothes , sounds like the weather is on the improve.

Anonymous said...

summer clothes , sounds like the weather is on the improve.