Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Happiness is living with an open door and a full day.  My day started as usual with my cup of coffee as I wrote on my blog.  I enjoyed a brisk walk by myself which is okay.  A walk in silence enjoying the beauty of nature and deep in my own thoughts are a blessing.  Then it is home to water my hanging baskets and cut the lawn and even pull a few weeds.

My elderly neighbor Mary came outside after being shut away behind closed doors all winter.  I went over to have a talk and spied a plant that I was not sure was a weed or a flower.  She was shocked because somehow she manages to keep her front garden weed free so I was told it definitely was a flower.  Oh oh I think I had just pulled some up just like that.

I did a few things in side to tidy up the house, made a few phone calls and then it was time to do our big shopping because it is 10% day off.  Having to put It all away is a nuisance.  I had promised to pick up a package of some new bread mix my friend had gotten for me and visit with an old friend Pearle.  It was just like going to the natural path as she was telling me about the right vitamins etc. to take.  The time passes very quickly while I was there but by the time I arrived home I was all worn out.  I had done all I had planned to do so felt very happy with myself.  Dad had cut and trimmed the back yard and repainted the logs in our front yard.  He was sitting on the front porch waiting.

Some one said friendship is the key to happiness and I have found that to be true.  I lead a very ordinary life certainly and I do not seem to crave the exhilaration of travel or feel the need to run off and join others in a quest for illumination. 

I was hoping that I would feel like studying my book "The Case For God", but I could not stay awake.  Actually it is getting more interesting as we are moving more into the present time and the beginning of evangelical Christianity.  This meant a return to biblical authority and a personal commitment to Jesus away from learned philosophers and scientific experts. 

"A religion of the heart rather than the head."  Where they in fact throwing the baby out with the bathwater?  Rugged individualism that started with a rebellious reaction to establishment! 

I looked at the clock and it was only 7:30 and I had even had a short snooze watching the news.
The morning time seems to speed right along and it is time for my walk before I know it.

Happiness is being able to do what is important in your life and as I get older I find I know what that is.


Anonymous said...

It is nice to have the door open, but it still isnt as warm as I would like it to be. I have my game shirt on today so here is to hoping I will not be outside cutting the grass in the second period again. OH, and you do more in a day than Randy's mom does in a month, so I was not comparing your situation to her's at all.

Shandel said...

kinda makes you chuckle a little bit when people cant admit that they might have been wrong? or that their perfect weed free lawn could in fact have a weed? i say if its pretty let it be! :) just like my discussion of dandelions, they are a beautiful bright sunny flower....why chase them away?? lol :)
have a great day Beth!!