Saturday, June 18, 2011


It always seems that the troublemakers get all the attention.  Many of us wonder what causes all this rioting, certainly anger, the drive for excitement, rebellion, frustration and down under neath it all maybe hopelessness.  I believe that young people need jobs and education and stable families to help them cope with depression and unworthiness.

In the story of the prodigal son we read about two very different boys; but obviously both wanting to be loved and accepted.  One seeks to please with perfect obedience which seems to go unnoticed.  The other boy rebels against his father's authority and his older brother's superiority and flees.

Both had lost their own identities.

They were probab;y equally loved by a hard working dad who would proved he loved them when they were with him or when they had left home.  Good or bad we all need to feel loveable.

Would the compassionate forgiving love touch both of them and help them to see their need of change.  We need to understand ourselves and apply different reasoning to our problems or we will get nowhere.

As a parent I know that I made mistakes but I now feel accepted for who I am and I do not need to be judmental about myself or about others.  Grace is acceptance and healing love that is freely given.


Anonymous said...

the riots were a real shame.
Next year will be our year..go canucks

Anonymous said...

Happy Fathers day dad. can we skype at 7pm ish ? melina not home till noon our time.