Thursday, June 2, 2011


It was mid morning on this dull day when dad and I started over to walk through the forest.  Dad's knees had been bothering him and to tell the truth my energy level is still a bit low.  We went in a side entrance that is more for those who ride bikes.  There are so many choices of entrances and paths that you can walk a different way most times if you choose.  We where not going to go off on some of the small trails that wind and curve in all directions and you can become lost.

I find I am becoming lost in the book I am reading called "The Laughing Christ."  According to the authors the early Christians did not see Jesus as a historical man who died for our sins but they viewed him as a mythical hero of a symbolic teaching story.  The purpose of his life was to awaken us to the truth that is knowable within each one of us.  Wake up and live in love.

Like a forest with so many trees there have been many opinions about Jesus and many many books written.

The ground on which we are walking is very uneven and you have to step over logs and rocks.  We were just saying how wonderful the fresh smell was but the sunshine really would brighten the place up a bit.  Then we came to a small little area full of sunlight and it made everything so much more breath-taking

As I am reading this book I go through some dark pages full of what history has done in changing the live of this man Jesus by interpretation and literalism.   Christian believers are painted with the same brush and it is a very damming and severe critique.  Instead of taking scripture as holy and precious it is their opinion we are to turn to the Gnostic's writings which is more spiritual and more inclusive.  More mystical! 

I am aware of the teachings of the church which has taken us down different paths of thoughts and told us exactly what to believe.  Some of the teachings have enriched my life and encouraged me to be helpful and understanding of others.  I regret that taking the same path can stunt my spiritual grow and because of my stubborn nature I find it hard to change. 

"No one is so wise they cannot become a fool"
"And no one is so foolish they cannot surprise us with their wisdom"
The Laughing Christ.

 If you look carefully you find strange things growing on the logs between the greenery and it is a nice surprise.  Life often speaks to us through the imperfections that may seem like foolishness.  I have discovered that in the teachings of Jesus, one who loved life and loved people. 

My thoughts seem to have a mind of their own as I mull over what I have been reading. 

The glory of God brings light into my life and the joyous spirit of creation lives on and on!


Anonymous said...

Where is Rick? Rick as been strangely silent for the last little while?


beth bennett said...

I honestly do not know. Good question.

Anonymous said...


Like General McArthur, I will return.

