Thursday, June 2, 2011


Like water under the bridge I have to accept that life flows in ways that are continual changing and I have to go with the flow.  Visiting with my neighbor I accepted some custard she had made especially for me.  I was a little doubtful and ate it and now I am feeling the sick stomach.  I know that this is difficult for others to understand but the good thing is that I immediately look back to see what may have upset me and I will be able to say no another time.  This is one of the miseries of having this re-action to gluten is saying no when someone goes to the trouble of trying to make me something,  Jane is right I should just take my own goodies and actually I do carry snacks in my purse at all times. 

I have to learn from my mistakes and take responsibility for my own health and well being.

I think I read into things, things that are not there and when I come across opinions and ideas I have to gleam what is positive and let the negative flow away on its own.  I will finish this in the morning!

Until we I learn to enjoy life and realize the beauty in the spiritual is finding happiness by coping with stress and disagreements.  I am trying to appreciate first before I seek to improve my life or the lives of others. 

"A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space.  We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest-a kind of optical delusion of our consciousness.  This delusion becomes a prison, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us.

Our task is to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty,"  -Einstein.

I am called to be loving and forgiving as express just as well in the teachings of Jesus as the teachings of the Gnostic's. 

"Our highest duty as human beings is to search out a means whereby all beings may be freed from all kinds of unsatisfactory experience and suffering." -the Dalia Lama

"Identifying with our shared essential nature leads to kindness, forgiveness and generosity.  Awaking to the oneness of awareness transform the person I appear to be into an embodiment of love."  -The Laughing Christ.

I think the message of Jesus was that if we truly love one another we will do all we can to alleviate each other's suffering.  We would like our world to be a just world and to do that we need to be willing to change our mindset and to change our need to have unnecessary rules. 

"The problems of today cannot be solved with the same mindset that created them in the first place."  Einstein

Divisions are healed by acceptance and by loving;  and only then will we be able to free ourselves and others.  Not easy Jesus would remind us because it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for us to even begin to think about changing our views and beliefs.  Like Anne of Green Gables said we are "kindred spirits".

The lady who had a stroke and could not move or speak could sense the negative or positive energy that people brought into her room.  What I call evil is not out there bu is within me when I am prejudice and judgmental.  Jesus also said he who is without sin can throw the first stone. 

When will we stop throwing stones at each others like children wanting their own way because hey think they are "right".  Jesus also said love your enemies and that means trusting even when there has been betrayal and rejection. 

In all I am trying to do it must be done by drawing on the deepest wisdom that I can bring to each difficult situation .

Today  will walk with my friend Gunty who loves to tell stories of her life and new life is returning to her and her grief is healing although the scar will always be there.   And then dad and I go for his check-up for the prostrate.  We are thankful for the healing that has taken place.

There will never be perfection in our relationships, in our leaders spiritual or political because even though we like St. Paul know what is the right thing to do time and time again fail in doing it.

Even Jesus said "do not call me good" because he was human.  Although he had his saintly moments!
He was truly alive and wonderfully compassionate and shared his love for the truth and wisdom!


Anonymous said...

A lot of thinking going on over the last few days mom? Have you tried keeping a food diary, I think it would help you to pin down what else besides just gluten upsets your digestion. Acceptance may lead to inner peace, but I think good old fashion anger is more likely to bring about change sometimes, like when reading that peice about debt Ricky put up. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes that thought crossed my mind, and I know that we have to fight for change but control the anger.
Getting angey does not solve anything if we just rant and rave,
and do not join our energy with wisdom and the strength of others.

There never seems to be answers just more questions,

love mom

Anonymous said...

Seems you have adapted to your new computer

Anonymous said...

Lots of interesting quotes giving much to think about in todays writing. Jane.

Anonymous said...

No blog today ??