Thursday, June 16, 2011


Years ago this is what we said when we shared our marriage vows but always expecting good things and live to be a great new adventure.  Starting out together your dad and I were very much in love and have managed to come through some difficult times.  I have pondered the inevitable suffering that comes into our lives. 

Yesterday was a good day to be with family and to share watching the game with Panteli at Sandra's house.  There was a few exciting moments but not much to cheer about.  We thought about others in our family excited and hopeful watching with us in different places of this universe.

I felt sad at our loss but it has been an exciting journey and now we can get on with other projects.
My day began with smashing my finger nail trying to move a rock and that sure hurts.  I drove to the store as I had had my walk but got everything except the main thing I went for.  As I left to WALK home through the parking lot I was thinking I will just stop in at Safeway as I go by on the way home.
Thankfully I did remember before I crossed the street and started up Scott Road. 

Next I cut my finger cutting up the onions and bled all over the kitchen while dad struggled to open a  bandied.  It looked more like a comedy routine than anything. 

After coming home  tried to download my pictures and failed.  I tried for nearly 30 minutes and I have no idea why it would not work.

Today dad is off to the skin doctor for a check-up and I hope to go visiting.

Nice to have a phone call from Oliver when we got home.  Happy Birthday Oliver looking forward to seeing you soon.  Life will now return to normal whatever that is,


Anonymous said...

Yes, normal will be nice for a while. Some weekends to get caught up on house and garden work. For me it has to wait till after the baby shower on Saturday. But soon!

Anonymous said...

That was fun watching the game at Sandra's last night, even if we lost. Too bad that Randy was right about the riots afterwards...

nancy-Lou said...

Must b e the full moon causing you all these problems take care and stay away from fire and sharp knives just in case. Is that a good book for Celiac's? I taught a watercolour workshop today and didn't eat....too scared of what might happen know what I mean, right Beth? Sure was hungry by suppertime.