Friday, December 7, 2012

Happy Hour

Our happy hour at our pot-luck supper is when everyone ends up in the kitchen.
Even the men!  Dad forgot to smile.

The Seniors center where I went to visit had a happy hour.  A time to buy cocktails or a beer and listen to a live singer.  There was a small group doing that when we left.  Up the stairs people were in small groups having tea or coffee.  When dad came to pick me up a man asked him to join their group of all women.

When is your Happy Hour?

For many years it was a happy moment when I would enjoy time reading to the children after a very busy day with not enough time to stop and rest.  Or it would be a moment when I would feel so happy just watching and listening to what they were doing or saying.  This is happiness that compensates for all the tiredness.  I still love reading to children.

Church for me can be a happy hour surrounded by friends and music and candles and the Word

Prayer is a time to rest in the love that surrounds us all and find healing that frees me from  frenzied materialism.  This can be anytime during the day when I count my blessings .

Dad's happy hour could be the time he spends walking in the forest and watching the dogs as he sits on the bench.  Except yesterday he felt more adventuresome and  climbed on a rock and fell backwards.  He has a nasty cut on his leg and on his elbow.  I was not happy coming home from the Nursing Home to find him bandaging his leg.   We will go to the clinic today to have it checked out.

Jim's happy hour is when I bring  him his milkshake.  That has changed from previous years.  I do not think Hell's Angels are famous for drinking milkshakes!

Yes, live in the moment and take time to enjoy life.  I will go for a walk and say my prayers as I go.

We both enjoy a happy hour visiting Robbie and Chuck and having tea and cookies.  We had planned to go today but plans may have changed.

I love our little tree and can just sit and quiet all my thoughts any time of the day. 
This is one of the benefits of growing old.

Yes, it is a wonderful Life!  With many happy hours to come!

          "It is only with gratitude that life becomes rich."   -Dietrich Bonhoeffer


Anonymous said...

I think Dad has a smart phone in his hand in that photo! No wonder he is looking a bit guilty and not smiling! :) :)

Just teasing!

My happy hour is coming hour.



Anonymous said...

that should be "coming home"

beth bennett said...

Yes Rick I had figured that out.
And I agree.
love mom