Wednesday, February 20, 2019


I am glad when I went to the library I could use the self check out because the girl would look at my books and think I am a real mess!

I have leaned today as I was reading that we are not alone when we struggle with difficult feelings.

No one gets through life without experiencing painful thoughts and feelings.

Lately I have been expressing a lot of anger because of painful memories.

It has been hard work that has stressed again the need for forgiveness.

I know anger is not the best way to deal with our issues but dad and I have been working on our issues.

We all say things we later regret.

Family means everything to me.


Sandra said...

On my of my friend's facebook page there was a quote something along the lines of " you can't give what you don't have" Sounds obvious of course when it comes to material things like money or food, but what about emotional things? And when you turn it around the other way, " you give what you have" then that leads to looking into the why?

I have learned in my very short time in counseling that I have a lot of fear, specifically about not having control. Not quite sure how to take this knowledge and change what I do, but I sure hate the thought of passing on fear and the need to control the uncontrollable!

I would imagine your books are helping you to look at your anger and where it came from and why it is spilling out now. And just remember, your identity is not the anger, it is just an emotion you have! ( I hope Carol does not read this or she will roll her eyes at me giving all this advice)

Love Sandra

beth bennett said...

Wise counseling Sandra.