Saturday, February 23, 2019


Yes it is Saturday evenning and the time we watch our show Heartbeat.  A English show about a small town and all the problrms that can arrise.

Yes I remember last Saturday venning when we aeeived home from Sandra and Randy's how happy the three of us where to ruch in and watch the show.  I was feeling so happy.

This is what I choose to remember as dad and I watch the show tonight.

We are driving out to Nick and Drena's to have some time together with them and Pat and John and Maryrise and Cliff.  We used to have a book study together several years ago.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone. even though it ia an effort for dad as his feet are painful.  We can park right in front of their door so that is good.

They are the nicest couple and have had a diffcult year with Dorens being hit by a car in a crosswalk.

I find I have to be more and more careful when walking as there is still ice and cars do not always see you.

"Healing is somwthing thar occurs in the spirit, a healing of the isolation that separates us from one another.
-Rachael Naomi Remen,  M.

Isolation causes misundertandings to grow.


Sandra said...

I think I have kidney stones and yesterday all of a sudden the pain got a lot worse. I have a CT scan today of my kidneys so we will see what it shows.

I guess I called when you had gone our to Nick and Drena's?

Remember, you have to power to remove the separation and isolation.


Sandra said...

I was thinking, maybe it is about time I lived up to my promise to drive you out to Jane's for a visit. We could do it next Saturday.

beth bennett said...

Sandra, that is not good.

I am glad you have a littleless pain today.

I will talk to Jane about next Sat.

That would be great.

Very tired today.

Drena made pecial oatmeal cookies for me
but I do not know if it was with G.F. Oats.
I did not like to ask her.

I slept all morning.

Take care.

Love you
love mom