Thursday, February 14, 2019


Happy Valentine's Day.
Dad is taking me out for lunch.
He is still very romantic!
Very icy!  Just had a short walk around the block.
My friend,  who came to the door to see if I was okay last year,  caught up with me and walked me home.  I do not want to have another fall.

I am reading a article by Dr. Dean Ornish who shares the depression and anxiety he experienced at medical School.  He dropped out unable to cope.  He knows all about the pain of suffering.

Instead of asking what can make me happy he asked what am I doing to disturb my peace and sense of well-being?

He discovered suffering can be a doorway for transformation.

He suggests prayer and meditation along with the support of your husband or wife and family and community.  I am thankful I have all this!

I agree with him when he says healing occurs in the spirit.  Healing of isolation and meaninglessness.

We ask ourselves questions that can transform emotional our minds and our hearts!


Steady-as-rain said...

I am really not so sure about how suffering is transformative. Suffering can also be crushing and remove a person's dignity.

The only thing good about suffering is that, hopefully, it helps people to imagine the suffering of others and makes them want to help relieve that suffering. Surely, that is the key message of Christianity. It is my form of Christianity, anyway.



beth bennett said...

Thanks Rick,
I will read the article again.
I do know that you learn from suffering.
We need to share our thoughts and feelings
in a safe place.

Are you coming down?

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, I agree with Rick. Love and compassion for others is my interpretation of
Christianity too. I don'think suffering is transformative either. It wasn't for
Carl, it was a cross to bear.

Just a short note for is nap time,

love Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, I'm coming down. Tell Dad to check Whatsapp.