Tuesday, February 19, 2019


"Yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid but that doesn't change the truth that I am also brave and worthy of love and belonging."   Brene Brown

Yes we all have times of doubt and fear and anger but love has the power to help us find the strength and courage to work through these feelings.  This is what we need to help us cope when things all seem to be falling apart. 

Dad and I enjoyed spending time at the library  in Tsawwassen and even stopped by Haiti's place to have a visit.  We were happy to make it home before the snow started.  I picked out a few interesting books to help me with some of my emotions.

:Love can enter any mind that truly wants it."  The Course in Miracle's.

It can take time to let go of stress and worry and let Love enter your hear.

Love can help us conquer our negative emotions.


Sandra said...

We are all such a mix of positive and negative traits. That is good you have found some books to help. One of the things my counselor keeps talking about is feelings. Geez, it can be a pain in the butt trying to find feelings to go with memories. The serenity prayer is still one of my basic go to's, it covers all the basics.


beth bennett said...

Yes I agree.

Nobody gets through life with out some hidden hurts.

I am trying to work through my anger.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

I wish Larry belated Happy Birthday wishes. You look pretty darned spiffy all dressed up in your suit and tie for your celebrations.
Isn't it wonderful to have family to celebrate all the important family occassions. some of my friends family live far away. One of them has three adult kids and they are married with kids. They live in Ottawa, Vancouver and London England. it keeps them busy flying to these cities to visit with them.

I do hope you can find some solace through reading your books Beth. Feelings are so important. A friend of mine who has his doctorate in psycology, is in the process of writing a book on the subject of feelings.

Right now, my feelings are pretty upset because we have no water at my house. The line that is underground to the well has frozen. This is the third time in 43 years. it just goes to show how deep the frost is this cold winter. The line is 6 feet underground. I called the plumber and he got it running yesterday, but it froze up again. I am thinking of leaving it frozen now until spring because I don't live here now and my son is only here on occassion. I am clearing it out getting it ready to sell.
Many people here are having troubles with frozen grey water pits and septic tanks as well as water lines.
I will call the plumber in the morning...good grief Charlie Brown!

A condo for retired people in the arts is being planned in Winnipeg and there is an information meeting next month. Ken and I are going to it. We aren't ready for a condo or apartment yet, but in the near future I would think. Ken is just turning 70 and healthy and able to do eveything that needs to be done around the house. He is very fit, due to his many years of martial arts training.I will be 75, YIKES, in June and still fit.
I have been practicing Tai Chi daily for two months now and it is really paying off. I am so much more stronger and have a lot more energy too. Ken and I do exercises and Tai Chi every morning and he does Chi Gong ( which is a healing art ) as well as acupuncture. It takes an hour for exercises and Tai Chi..which is what I do with him. I enjoy it so much and it is becoming easier because I am developing muscle memory.

Well I am going back to our house now....I am here trying to get the water to work..to no avail. Brought some laundry with me, but will take it back home.

Have a lovely evening...
Love, Nancy