Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Huge mounds of snow on branches could cause chaos as it melts and rains and freezes again.
The sunshine has caused big chunks to fall off branches along our street already.

Meanwhile chaos is happening politically in our country as well as the States.  Scandal and cover-up about the government involvement in SCN Lavalin court case.  There will be further investigations and problems for the P,M,O. and his office.  This has been stirred up by the resignation of Wilson-Raybould.   Many questions need to be answered.

Chaos can happen even in our personal lives when something unexpected happens and creates stress
and unresolved issues. 

Jordan B. Peterson offers some advice in his book 12 Rules For Life, an antidote to Chaos.
A search for meaning and for truth in this journey we are all on together.


beth bennett said...


Sandra said...

happy valentines day to you too, I am sure dad has "surprised" you as usual with lots of nice chocolates.

All of life is chaos and we just fool ourselves it we try and control it. Corruption in govenrment and scandal is kind of a given though, nothing chaotic about that.

My February is now going to wind down nicely, I have all of the bonuses paid and I THINK all went well. I am taking tommorrow off so will have a nice long 4 day weekend. Randy has Saturday off so he can help me make supper.

Oh, and I pick up another cat today that may or may not be pregnant. We shall see.


beth bennett said...

Good work Sandra.

No chocolates today but we are going out for lunch!

They have to be G.F.

You and Randy make a good team.

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

I went to law school with Jody Wilson-Raybould, and her sister too. I didn't know them well but saw them about.

Scandals and the fuss around them are how we keep the government, any government, in check, so although they are messy and sometime rather hypocritical (in the sense of the outs complaining about the same things they did when they were the ins), still they are necessary.

Walking is good, I am doing more of it myself these days. But it won't be more than a few days until all the snow and ice are gone, so maybe wait until then?

