Friday, February 22, 2019


A wonderful morning.
I looked out the window this morning and one minute it is snowing and the next it is raining.

We have a wonderful family and I never want to forget the wonderful adventures we have had along the way.

We have had disagreements and problems but I choose to forget and forgive.  This is aliitle more difficult when angry words havebeen said.  The first step is wulling something to happen.  I believe it will.

I do not want our past mistakes to ruin our lives now.

We are all imperfect and all messes can be claned up!

It has nor been a good year for dad and myself.  Failing health and worry have taken their tole.
We have both been worried about Mary and about Rick with his health problems.

We are off to the second hand store this afternoon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is important to have wonderful kind people in our lives who forgive us during times of struggle when we might say or do things that we never would when we are mentally, emotionally, physically healthy. Kindness and forgiveness is a good thing.
You have had a very trying year, but to me, you handled it with dignity and grace and all the while still thinking of others. You are truly a good person and I always feel blessed that you look out for my boy and the wonderful family he and Leah have created. Craig always says that the Bennett’s are really good people and I definitely see that.
Hopefully the ice and snow will disappear and the sun will shine and warm up this earth for us. I am very ready for spring.