Sunday, February 3, 2019


                                Yesterday I saw my first two red robins splashing in our pool.

Sunday morning was a time to pray and open my heart to the love that flows from Jesus to us all.  This is the love that gathers up the broken pieces of our hearts and makes us whole again.  We carry within us a vision of this wholeness that for me is holiness..

"Find a place inside where there is joy
and the joy will burn out the pain."   Joseph Campbell

"The belief that happiness has to be deserved has lead to centuries of pain, guilt, and deception.
So firmly have we clung to this illusory belief that we have almost forgotten the real truth about happiness.  So busy are we in try to deserve happiness that we no longer have much time to just be happy.
Happiness is natural
Happiness is a birthright
Happiness is free
Happiness is a choice
Happiness is within."  Robert Holden

Happiness is being thankful
Happiness is letting hope guide your life.

Happiness is letting others bring you joy.

"Human spiritual longing is finally, the humility
that we have forgotten who we are. . . .
There can be times in the process of seeking
that we are reassured that we are even more devoutly being search for,
and that we have already been found."  Gerald May

Dad and I went to church with a light snow falling.

We had a visit from Sandra and then went to Carol's for supper.


Sandra said...

There was a robin splashing around when it was so cold out? Silly robin.

I usually dont like the word happy, seems to put so much pressure to be but happy is certainly a good goal to aim for.

Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, I think those robins might be a wee bit optimistic. :)

Always good to get out.

You might not be surprised to find that I think at age 81, yes, you might well taper off on the visiting.



beth bennett said...


Love mom