Monday, September 14, 2020


I have been looking for a yellow door wondering if we should paint our door yellow.
Every day brings us closer to wet and cold weather.
When will the painters come?

As I relive my day yesterday I am thankful that our family seemed to be closer.

Dad and I enjoyed the tasty stew and corn bread Carol and Panteli brought over yesterday.  I appreciate any time I do not need to cook.  Thankful for some left over for today.  Thankful for their visit.

YES DAD and I do not agree about putting on the fireplace to heat up the room.  It is even colder this morning.  We can laugh about it later.  We hug every morning and I feel we are becoming even closer!

YES visits, and phone calls from Sandra and Rick help us to feel closer as well as the comments Ken makes on my blog.

Dad feels good this morning, no stomach ache!



Anonymous said...

I think a striking colour is nice on the front door, is dad going to contact them today?
I was also going to make a stew for dad, but I will wait now and maybe do it in a couple of weeks instead. Or do you have any other meal wishes?
How did testing the pond go, has the water returned?
I am just about ready to break down and turn on the heat, asked Randy to bring all the fireplace tools up that are in the crawl space.
Does dad normally wake up with a stomach ache? How was the night?
Waiting to hear news of Kimberly's interview today.

Ken Bennett said...

I like a nice solid brown door!! The stew is perfect food for mom and dad. Remember every Saturday night it was hockey night in Canada and STEW ... I hated it. I am sure i just ate a peanut butter sandwich. I risked a fine to drive 30km to Get Jasmine a chair .It was nice to get out and the cops didn't get me !!!

Shandel said...

We contemplate turning on the heat but always wish to wait until after October. Yummy, corn bread sounds wonderderful.

Shandel said...

ps! Totally paint the door. How fun.