Monday, September 21, 2020


                                                   Funny signs Spenser and I saw on our walk today.

Dad and I had a funny day today.  We arrived at the Eye doctors to find the office closed.  We tried to phone but no one answered you were suppose to just leave a message.

We did drop off the paper for the colonoscopy doctor to say dad wants to go ahead with it.

Ken I can relate to you worrying about things at night.  Do you have to get approval to go to the airport?

After we turned off the T.V. dad mentioned he does not want the pond dismantled.  It appears it is not leaking right now.  We will have to talk it over before we can decide.  The city engineer did not come by today.  We want to know what he is going to say.  

We tried  to talk to Rick tonight but the messages came out funny.  He says he is coming down on Friday to help move rocks.  There is a lot of over grown trees here that could be cut back instead.

Dad and I are both reading funny books which is a good idea right now.

We make mistakes but have decided to just laugh about them.

The funny thing is I put a picture on but I cannot remove it.
Dad is reading "An Irish Country Doctor" full of Irish Humor.

Dad is having a bad spell.  The doctor is phoning early in the afternoon.
I think he needs to have the poo test and maybe some blood work..
His family are all worried about him.

The cleaning ladies are coming at 10:30.  They are very happy and cheerful.


Anonymous said...

The pond can stay as is then, no need to do anything. Cant use it of course as that is when it leaks, so just a pile of rocks with a muddy puddle.

How is the food diary going?


Anonymous said...

Oh, and we took a vote, and we all decided you should get the cleaning lady in more often.
You said she would shop or cook as well?

Anonymous said...

I am not , we are not , because Melina will drive me ,allowed more than 5km from home. We will go the back roads and if we get pulled over , just pled our case. I have my documents to allow me into Darwin. I hope I get a cell with a view!!!

Anonymous said...

I made it... log day !! heat feels like a heavy hot blanket....more tomorrow.