Tuesday, September 29, 2020


The end of the first day
The finished job.
Dad and I are happy.
That is all that matters

.We now have little boxes all around the place to catch the mice.

I know our brains  are not working  as well as they should 
not easy to admit.
Right now I am too tired to think.

I am very worried about dad.
We both want to stay here as long as possible.



Sandra said...

What would happen if you were not worried about dad?

What about if you knew he was safe, loved, cared for and doing as well as he could?

What if you knew that you could phone for help or advice from family or doctors?

What if you accepted what is instead of fearing it?

What if you recognized your worry was making you less useful to dad and to your self?

My biggest stress right now is I am not able to get my work done and am 3 months behind and the end of the year is fast approaching. Yesterday I just decided to make a fantasy story in my mind that they will hire someone to help me. It was enough to give me a thought to hang onto when the stress started amping up to refocus and bring down the blood pressure. I can only do what I can do. Oh, and then they gave me a huge new project to do yesterday! I did have to say I would help with it, but would not do it all.

See, you probably have all sorts of advice for me on my worry, and think it is easy to fix and why dont I do this or that...!


Steady-as-rain said...

Take heart - the mice are on the run!

I am sure you will be in your (repainted) home for many years!



Anonymous said...

The house looks nice .Dont worry be happy ! I didn't go for my walk this morning my knee was too painful , I'm thinking I may be making it worse. I will try a lap soon and see how it feels. I spoke to the welfare lady yesterday , she called too see how I am doing. I said it would be n I e to get in the pool. She said there are aver 1100 people here and only 100 can swim per day. They may take the families with kids more often , which I totally understand . We had a rain storm at 2am, so the humidity is thru the roof this morning.

Anonymous said...

The house looks nice .Dont worry be happy ! I didn't go for my walk this morning my knee was too painful , I'm thinking I may be making it worse. I will try a lap soon and see how it feels. I spoke to the welfare lady yesterday , she called too see how I am doing. I said it would be nice to get in the pool. She said there are aver 1100 people here and only 100 can swim per day. They may take the families with kids more often , which I totally understand . We had a rain storm at 2am, so the humidity is thru the roof this morning.