Monday, September 21, 2020


I love the colors of fall.
They brighten up my walks.
Often they fall down on my head.

Can you see the grapes on these vines?
One of the kittens.

I am finding the lack of sleep is not helping me to think clearly.  I muddle through my day until it is time to join Sandra and Randy and Carol and Kim at Sandra's place.  The bright red chairs are perfect for us to gather together around the table.  Dad really enjoys the hearty stew.  His daughters spoil him!

I am thankful the air quality is a little better.

Today dad will visit the eye surgeon and drop off the form for collin  surgery .  Nothing will happen for a month or two.  It would be great if he improves in the mean time.  Our quality of life is restricted.  This along with the aging process and lack of sleep takes a toll on us.

We are thankful that our emotions improve as we have family gatherings.

We want to remain steady and strong to cope with whatever the future holds.

I want to hear the whisper of God's presence in all of nature.  He is with us all!

Only then can I believe in the miracle of healing and restoration.!

I am off to the store to do early morning shopping.  Dad and Spenser are still sleeping.



Anonymous said...

Yes I think a good hearty stew is very good for you both . I heard a comment yesterday " only the stupid sleep well " saying people that think a lot often wake up. I know I don't sleep when Im stressed . I got up at 2am to check my flight booking ??? so I think I may be stressed .I don't see any other staff travellers , I'm thinking I'm going to busted by the police at the airport because I'm outside my 5km limit !!!!

nancy-Lou said...

WOW, they really are strict in Melbourne...a 5 km limit. Well I hope you make it to your Sons wedding Ken...good luck on the trip and have a lovely time at the wedding.

Colour....Mother nature is exceeding herself this fall with spectacular colours. Quite a few reds, which we usually don't have. Everyone is commenting on it. I have seen so many amazing photos on facebook and ask the photographer if I may use them for resource material or to actually do a painting. It I do, they get a print!

Yesterday was one of those days one wants to save for the memory bank, in the wintertime. It really was spectacular. 30 degrees in Winnipeg but we are always cooler. 27 here. Ken took his new kayak out for a spin and was gone tooo long. So I went down to the beach to watch for him and he was no where in sight. He went over to the island...Elk Island and when he started back for home the wind had picked up and he found it hard to get home. Luckily he has a peddle kayak which has a rudder and it powered him through some pretty steep waves. Needless to say I was so glad to see him on land. He travelled 13kms. Pretty good...he will be 71 soon. He is in good shape though because of the Tai Chi, chi gong that he practices daily.

I wish I could post some photos here. but you can look on my facebook page. Pedro was with me and he is such a good dog...he was happy to curl up in my legs as I sat on the sand and talked to one of the old time residents. we had a good visit...he fished lake Winnipeg for over 60 years..a tough old Goolie as the local icelanders are called.

I am glad the Larry is going ahead with the colonoscopy..I hope the doctor prioritizes him, because he has had problems for a long time. They really aren't bad at sleep through the whole thing. a light sleep...they can wake you up if they need to.

Isn`t that nice that Rick will drive down and give you a hand with the yard and pond...your kids are so good to you...but I am sure you deserve it! You are so good to them too.

We are having our soffits re done. The squirrels have made their way through the screening and into the attic. Our son is a journeyman carpenter and he is doing the work. metal soffits...haha on the squirrels.

Next our son and Ken will build a garden shed...then a carport...we are having the house painted in the spring. already had a quote and booked the painter.

Say, what is happening with your house painting? They sure are a poky bunch. Can they paint now that the weather is cooler. I think it has to be above 50C.

Well I must get going...have to make lunch and we are going for a walk at the treed lot...where it should be glorious. I will take photos.

Love to you both...have a good day and sleep well tonight