Wednesday, September 23, 2020


A new sign on the bench at the park.

What a surprise it was to meet the whole gang of my friends at the a\park.  There was Brian and Rob and their two dogs.  Katheron and her two children and her dog.  There was Julie and her dog.  There were six of us with one large dog, two middle sized dogs and two smaller dogs.  Spenser was the smallest and the oldest.  We chatted for awhile and then I said I had better get home or dad would start to worry.  The whole gang started walking home with me.  It was like a little parade.

Today it is raining so the Colebrook gang will not be meeting at the park.  We will meet in October in the home of Ken who has a very , very long table.  We will wear masks and be well separated.

Dad had a good visit on the phone with his doctor.  This is an important relationship.  They both know dad will have to continue to be tested and when the results of the colonoscopy are in have another chat.

Until then it is important to deal with any extra stress.  Dad has had this problem for many years and the cause has seemed to be unknown.  Every illness cannot be cured but new inner strength can emerge to help us cope.  

"Serious illness is an invitation to the Soul, a path to becoming more than you have been."
-Dr. Rachael Remen.  She has had her own battles with serious illness.

Life can take on deeper meaning as we become aware of the spiritual healing hidden within us all.

Being a part of a gang is fun as we become more aware of how important friendship is to our well-being.  

Glad you have made it.  Ken    Did you get a cell with a view? 


Anonymous said...

What a day . We were late to the airport ,Melina had a migraine and I wasn't sure if she should drive. on the way the road was closed which meant extra 10 mins detour. I ran in and made baggage check by 3 mins!! Next the secuirty/medical staff took my form and I told her I was going to Brisbane for a wedding after Darwin. Well she calls for her supervisor and they both agree I can't go!! But she says I CANT STOP YOU !! They will just send you back. So Stressed all the way up on the plane . I had my speech (READ LIE ) all prepared , now I was looking for a job . The girl at Darwin airport was an Qantas employee that was getting extra work while stood down. Anyway we chat , I tell her I was just made redundant from Qantas , she says oh lots of Jobs up here. She sees may address for Darwin (Hilton hotel) and says oh I see you have a place to stay . I say yes . she says for how long ..I lie and say a week . She says welcome to Darwin... great.Outside is so hot and humid we get on the bus .Twenty mins bus ride. Then standing for over 1 1/2 hours waiting for our rooms. I have double checked that I can still get in to Queensland for Tylers wedding.

beth bennett said...

Hi Ken,
I just checked your comments. I usually walk Spenser from 4 to 5.

You must be exhausted after all the worry., the heat and waiting in line,

Hope Melina is feeling better,


Sandra said...

That must have been nice to see all the dog people at the park.

Who would have thought it would ever be so hard for Kenny to fly just up to see his kids.

Is Rick still planning on coming down?
