Sunday, September 6, 2020


Sandra brightened up our day.  The pond in the back has been turned off and was a big mess after the tree men left.  It was time to be cleaned out but neither dad nor I WAS UP TO THE JOB,.  Our very hard working water got down and dirty cleaning out old roots and over grown plants.  How wonderful to hear the sound of the water falling.

We had talked about going out to eat but we just enjoyed our back yard.  Dad made lunch and I appreciated that too.

I was very impressed by all the fathers with their little ones at the park this morning.  It looked like father's day there.  All the children are so active running here and there.

I hope Ken was treated on Father's Day.

I have always thought father's were important.

Since it was also Sunday I was thinking about the Christian faith and what it values.

Both Mary and Joseph were chosen to be the special family who would bring Jesus into the world.
The important thing is that each one had to agree to be willing.  They were equally important, and families are important.

The Christian faith is all about choosing.
Choosing to believe and act out our faith and love  the best we can day by day,

All belief is important when it inspires us to be the best we can be.
To live out of love not fear nor failure nor guilt.

Old age is a time when we can choose how to think about what we can do not what we cannot do.  We can choose how to spend our time because we have the time to do it.


Sandra said...

Sorry to make a mess and run, when randy is on afternoons we dont get to eat together often. Did the water clear up yet?

beth bennett said...

Yes we thought it was important for you to return home.

The water has cleared up nicely. We had our lunch outside.

Dad had a nap and Spenser and I are going for our final walk.

Thanks again you did a wonderful amazing job!

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Just look at the girl, and she is smiling too, while doing a yucky job! Well done Sandra! I am sure your Mom and Dad will be enjoying it again. I have a friend who has a large waterfall and a stream that runs through her ends up in a pool that has koe fish. it really is something to see...but the maintenance is huge. She has to bring the koe in to the basement over the winter...not something I would like to do.

Sorry to hear that Rick isn't feeling well at all...that is no fun. I do hope that they can get him regulated on his blood pressure does take some time. I remember when Carl took three of them..all different ones. Feel better soon Rick.

We had a ferocious wind storm here yesterday and there are Manitoba hydro and emergency people working mainly down the cottage areas. There is alot of damage done. Many large trees are down,,some on powerlines and roofs and cars. One lady had to be rescues from her cottage when a huge spruce tree blocked the only door. there were fires too, when trees hit power lines. At least one hydro pole burnt and that takes hours to replace. Some people still don't have their power on and it has been over 24 hours. It is cold too...5C this morning. We were fortunate that we are on the first line that comes into the beach, before the cottages and we lost power for only and hour and a half.
Many cottagers went back to the city. They had to water and no well as no power.
By tonight I am sure we will be able to sense the big sigh of relief from the permanent residents, especially in the times of the pandemic. Having 5,000 extra people here in 5 sq miles is not good. We seemed to have weathered the storm!
Is Spenseer a good walker Beth? Does he walk the same pace as you? not pulling? Pedro is very good...he only pulls if he wants to go and see some kids or another dog and I always ask if it is ok...due to the pandemic..some people don't like to pat dogs.
Ken is working on the wall for the big tv...he is hanging it on the bracket. I am his helper! He had to rebuild the wall before he can hang it up. it used to be a fireplace and he took that out. We put in a woodstove in the living room and it is so nice to have...much better and more efficient than the fireplace.

I am so glad you have the water problem cleared up. and here it was your neighbours probleml not even yours!

I really think Larry should have a stool test done to see if he has bacteria in his I did. it is a simple test to do. He needs to tell his doctor he wants it done..not ask. You have to be pro active these days. Also a colonoscopy...they aren't bad at all to have are asleep. the prep isn't fun, but it is over soon. I wouldn't wait...insist. Your GP can order those things. Mine does.
Remember I had a bowel infection for months and lost all that weight..until I had the test done. From eating Mexican food at a restaurant.

Ok I have to go and work...give Ken a hand,

Wishing you both a lovely day...hope you are feeling well,
Love Nancy