Saturday, September 26, 2020


                                                 The sunshine was unexpected yesterday after all the heavy rain.. It was warm enough for dad to sit out on the front porch.

He told me that he was worried about something on our bed.  So we pull it apart to look underneath.  We both fell several times.  

Later as we are in bed reading dad shouts there is a mouse on our bed.  I couldn't get out of there fast enough.  Neither one of us wanted to sleep there.  So we cuddled up together in Rick's bed.  I know I could not fall asleep.  Today we will tear it apart again.

So some times the unexpected is good and other times it is horrible.

Thankful Carol and Sandra will be bringing food over today,

Looking forward to Rick's arrival.


Anonymous said...

Good to see you guys at dinner . ken , good luck with the mice hunt.

Anonymous said...

I sent Dad a weather update on what's app ..........ken

Shandel said...

Oh my goodness!!! A mouse in your bed. That would have creeped me right out! No doubt you slept somewhere else. Little buggers!

Anonymous said...
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