Monday, September 7, 2020


The pond is going wild!
What a nice surprise to have Sandra come and clean it out.
We are hoping we can now get it working.
The water has cleared up
It was very muddy when Sandra left.
It is a nasty surprise to see some water there this morning.
We just have to wait and see if it dries up.
Nice and hot today which is good
A nasty surprise it is getting worse!

Dad and I are not feeling good enough to even worry.  Dad's back is hurting and I have had some nasty coughing spells.

We are looking forward to going to Sandra and Randy's.


Ken Bennett said...

Well done Sandra . What a pain the water has started again. I hope you can enjoy the party at Sandra's house . Very windy here today . It was a warm 23c yesterday , now theres a cool change coming tonight. The gas bottle of our BBQ ran dry halfway through cooking dinner . I ran to the shops to get a replacement , we ate at 8pm .

beth bennett said...

Ken, that must have been annoying.
Sounds like you saved the day.

Yes Sandra did a good job
and we were looking forward to turning the pond on again.
The city guys are coming by this morning.
Some of the wetness has gone
and their is no water running.

Very strange.

We had a fun time at Sandra and Randy's.
Too bad Randy was not feeling well.
They work so hard together to make a delicious meal.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

Well, I did not know that the pond had a leak in it or I would not have suggested cleaning it out and starting it back up again. With all that is going on it just throws another variable into the situation that they could do without.


Ken Bennett said...

Sorry to hear Randy is not well . I await the latest update of LEAKGATE ! Another day of home schooling here. We are home schooling until late October.

beth bennett said...

Whatever we do next will be much easier Sandra.
Thanks for all the work you did.
We were excited about getting the pond working but. . . .

Dad did not have a good day so going to the doctor is good.

Love mom