Wednesday, September 16, 2020


                                                    Also a lovely place to sit quietly.
                                                         The camera does not do it justice.

Inside the house Carol has been cleaning and moving furniture around and making supper.
We are always happy to be invited.  It was good to see Kim back again.  She has signed up to substitute
teaching again.

I am up early again today to check the mouse traps.  I imagine those mice running around our traps with a smile on their faces.  
I am standing outside checking the water running again across the sidewalk when the paper girl arrives.She works hard every day to deliver these papers early in the morning.

The engineer from the city came to look at the water because some one has complained.  He tells us we must take all the water out from the pond.  This will be our work for today.

First I clean up mouse poo.  Yuk.

As dad and I grow older it is important to keep busy as well as trying to stimulate our brains.  I am doing more reading and thinking about what I am reading.  It stimulates my brain and keeps me open minded.  Also using our imagination is important.

I enjoy my walk with Spenser to the park where I always check to see what new books have been added.

Spenser and I enjoy meeting other dogs and other people.

Work and play are both important.  I think in a marriage it is important to have date nights.
I see the girls from across the street, the first time all summer, as they get driven to schools.


Steady-as-rain said...

Nice photographs.

It is good to see the routines of life continuing around us.

Kenny was a very fussy eater.

I don't think the smoke is helping my breathing. Off to hospital for more tests later today. I had to buy some masks as they want people to wear masks. I used one for several months but then I lost it.

I am glad the city is taking an interest in the water leak.



Sandra said...

I will have to see what I can do to find the leak in the pond. Or not.

We have tow kittens now, one had surgery on its leg yesterday as well as getting neutered, and the girl is in getting spayed today. So many drugs to keep straight to give with food, or with out food.

Will you break down and call an exterminator again?


Ken Bennett said...

As I begin the second day of retirement ..... I am having an issue with my Qantas Staff Travel . I cant sign in yet , but i need to book my flights to Darwin soon. So the have decided its your pond? Can u just reseal the pond with concrete? Those sound things did they work with the mice ?