Saturday, September 19, 2009


I spent the morning im bed watching the young boys climbing around the roof across the street
I think I am going to have to go over to the Safeway wearing a disguise as I meet so many people I know. It is good to have a chat but it worries dad when he knows I am a little under-the-weather and taking a long time. I think we worry about each other more now.

We are struggle with our own weaknesses and at times try to disguise our feelings but I think worry, anger, generosity, irresponsibility and thoughtlessness will always be a part of who we really are. These are spiritual challenges as we seek to become more understanding of others.

Last night I was amazed at all the noises that you hear when you are not sleepimg. The rain sounded preety heavy and there were cars coming and going and even the house was making strange noises.

The message at church to-morrow is "Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People"

I think it is mostly because life is unfair and we grow more facing difficult problems. We may not see it at the time but looking back we may. We know that we have to grow intellectually as we know ourselves and each other.

A good night sleep is a real blessing.


Anonymous said...

Send dad over to Safeway to do the grocery shopping. :-)



Anonymous said...

Yes, I did yesterday. The clerk openned her till just for him!
Love mom