Friday, September 18, 2009


Times have changed, especially where we reach out for help. The inter-net has become a great scource of help. When our frig. stopped working yesterday dad turned to the inter-net for information on how to fix it. The advice was good and it worked but it was a big job moving the frig. out and cleaning the back and defrosting the freezer. We look to the inter-net for all kinds of advice including health.

How does the story of the woman reaching out to touch the edge of Jesus's garment believing that she would be healed; how does that have any meaning for us today? Jesus told her her faith had healed her. What do people put their faith in? Who do they put their faith in? And why are there so many angry people? Why are the poor and helpless still abused? Why are there still wars and more wars when we all want peace? Why is independance robbing us of community? We all want security and happiness but are we reaching out in the wrong places and instead of being reassured finding disappointment and emptiness?

I reach out for comfort in the words of scripture.

Jesus appearing to the troubled disciples said, "Why are you trouibled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?

Look at my hands and feet. It is I myself!

Touch me and see." Luke 24 : 38

I am now fighting a miserable flu like cold and I am looking a little run down but I should not be. Celiac is an autoimmune disorder triggered by the ingestion of gluten, a major protein in wheat and other related grains. This disorder is now being passed down in our family to our grand daughter Theresa and maybe to Morgan her daughter.

My faith in the power of prayer that enables me to reach out to the healing presence of Jesus is the greatest scource of strength for me. I feel others praying for me as I pray for them.

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