Thursday, September 3, 2009


This is a small creek that I walked by on the way home yesterday. I love the reflection in the water.
I am pleased that some people are now keeping it clean.

I am reminded that the beauty of nature refreshes us but spirituality is more than contemplation but also requires action. Actions that improve life for others.

We will miss our visits with Kim as she leaves on Friday for her newest adventure.
We also will miss Sandra poping in as she visits Mary and Michael John in Kingston.

There is nothing so refreshing as walking in the water at the beach or lake. Getting your feet wet immediately cools you down and you feel a freedom and a relief. So no matter if you are walking in it or gazing upon it or drinking it water changes the soul. Giving a cup of water Jesus tells us us a very spiritual act of grace and kindness that blesses both the giver and the receiver.

Our nature is also to want to conguer water by riding over it's waves with speed and dexterity.
As a child I loved to swim and could spend all day at the swimming pool. Just learning how to swim made me feel proud of myself.

Today I will feel so young as I visit at the Nursing Home and then we are off to Ava's birthday party tonight. A simple life but it is a joy to value and spend time with both. I am glad that life is simpler in so many ways and yet I have to laugh at the way we complicate it sometimes.
If I feel stressed I have found listening to our little water fall very calming and it is right in our back yard.


Anonymous said...

I love the the water too, walking by the beach is my favorite thing to do. So far we have just driven around and done a bit of shopping, but we are plannning our ghost walk tonight, maybe part of it will be along the lake front.

Anonymous said...

I miss living by the water .
Tsawwessen was a great place to grow up .