Thursday, September 17, 2009


Often our inability to accept God's perfect love for us is not a question of doubting Him but our own worthiness. Another is unanswered prayer; certainly in our way in our time. The sign out front for all to see.
A small door on the far side of the church building

Doubt can be the door to believing if we are willing to move from where we are to a new place.
Doubt imprisions us just like these bars.

I could not believe it when I was told that they are closing Newton Regency; and that all the people are being moved out. There is a very nice building that are now closing their doors.
I think that for me this may mean other doors for me to venture into. I would like to regularly visit one friend who feels lonely.
It was good yesterday to get back among church friends. First the U.C.W. meeting in the morning then our Bible study group in the evening The grace of God transforms our human doubts so that the door of faith beckons us to discover what lies beyond.
In my dream there was a long hallway with many doors. doors waiting to be opened if I so choose. There will always be questions but we keep seeking and looking and as we share this journey with others we are blessed.
Behind one door there is great laughter! I admitt I use to be offended when religion was made fun of but I am seeing more humour now; and hey even Jesus had a sense of humour!
I know that there will be gluten free cookies when I enter Deborah and Lane's door.
I seem to be getting lots of help in my desire to stick to gluten free living! !


Anonymous said...

How are you doing with the pictures and putting them into the folders right away? Did you get a chance to clean up any more of the old one?

Anonymous said...

I am thinking about it but it just seems like too much work.
Anyway I feel like I am getting, well I know beyond a doubt I am getting a cold, so maybe if I have the energy I will have the time to do it.

Dad has left my camera in the new car so I can't take new pictures or down load the ones I have taken.

There was an awesome sunset on the way to our group last night and I so wished i had the camera.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Thank-you for your thoughtful devotional at U.C.W. It is so good to share in fellowship and laughter.Jane

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jane.