Tuesday, September 8, 2009


A sign of fall as these mushrooms appeared in our grass; no I do not think they are magic.
This picture is from last fall and somehow the computer put it on when I was looking for my mushrooms. I am not doing well if this computer is suppose to be teaching me patience I get very annoyed with it.

The season of the fall seems to come so quickly. Once again it is dark when I wake up and the long evennings are gone. This is an exciting day for the children going back to school or starting school for the first time; I am sure Ben and Morgan will be up early ready to start school and pre-school.

I love the colours of the leaves and the freshness that comes with this season.

We take the new car to the mechanic today so I had better go for a walk early. Then a bigger shopping at the Safeway than I can carry with my bags. Also I should make a dentist appointment and get this miserable tooth put in properly. Every bite I take I am afraid it will come out.

It will be good to get back into some of the church activities especially the Bible Study at Colebrook and our home group with the Panorama Church. We intended going there on Sunday but I had a stomach ache and dad was feeling not so good either. Sunday is not the same when you do not go to church.

I can feel insecure in the world I see and hear around me and I believe that a foundation of faith gives me security in that I am not alone and that there is a natural order to this our Universe that changes the seasons and that there is a beauty that reflects the mind of the Creator.

"The Universe is not just a tragic expression of meaningless chaos but a marvelous display of orderly cosmos. . . beneath and above the uncertainities that darken our days and the vissitudes that cloud our nights is a wise and loving God." Rev. Scotty McLennan

Can we have a religion without conflict; even within the same faith, without condemnation and judgment? Religion can be a powerful force for good or for evil and yet I have come to believe that a Christianity based on the compassionate teachings of Jesus which free us from dogma but call us to an even higher standard of service to others, generosity to the poor, and love for the unloveable gives life a higher purpose and meaning.


Anonymous said...

Yes, soon it will be dark when I drive to and from work. Had a great visit with Mary and MJ, there life will really start this week as Mary goes to school today and MJ starts work on Friday.

Anonymous said...

It is great time here , days are getting longer
and temps are getting into the low 20's.