Monday, September 14, 2009


I can be undecided about a lot of things. Life seems full of hidden complexities. I AM UNDECIDED ABOUT WHICH BOOKS TO GIVE AWAY.
The weather can be undecided. Will it rain or be sunny today?

"You're gonna have to serve somebody" Bob Dylan
Do I think my decisions affect very much in this world? Am I serving goodness or not?
Every day we make small and big decisions. I go shopping at the grocery store and there are a great many choices. I look for bargains because I want to have a choice about what I spend my money on.
This time of year a lot of requests come in from different charities. It is hard to decide which to give to or whether to give at all. Where will my little bit of money do the most good?
Then I have a choice about how I will use my time that is not structured.
Life tempts us with many choices. I have to decide what is good and what is evil.
What is the will of God for my life? Does God care? Is it important to doubt @ question?
Who am I serving? my self? worldly values or Godly values?
"Only after you struggle with evil and chose goodness will you accomplish true and complete goodness."
I believe that underneath our worldly values and business there lies an inner doubt that calls to us to search for spiritual truth. As evenning comes the light that has been standing unneeded will now come on. There seems to be a hunger for spiritual reality mixed in with a lot of movies and stories about witchcraft. Good witchcraft is glorified. Children are drawn to monsters and wierd creatures and this has always been the way.
Many stories are about the power of good or evil. At times I feel undecided but also helpless by what I read about in the papers and hear in the news.
Does fear affect our decisions?
Is biased information useless or does it help us decide to make more of an effort to do what seems right?

If I want to be healthy I have to decide whether to go to the doctor, what food to eat and what pills to take. I know that I am responsible for my own health and I am blessed with the good health I have although I get tired easily it is just my body. At this point I am undecided about going to a naturalpath among other things like when to drive up to see Rick or what church to go to.
Who do I believe? What do I really believe? Does it matter? Does my faith affect my children?
If I believe that fate is controlling my life then my choices are unimportant.
If I believe that God is guiding me and speaks to me through my experiences then I believe I make freer and better choices.
I question whether I should even continue to blog. But here I am again writing away!


Anonymous said...

And have you made some of these choices? Did you pick some books, get your groceries?
Me, I have to choose to do my homework tonight or not.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the light was always on, but we don't see it until darkness falls.

