Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Was there any doubt that I would not just say a few words like yesterday? This is blurry but can you tell the real from the fake?
You cannot see the real world with rose coloured glasses. Can you see the glasses?
The amazing thing is that I believe that God loves doubters as much as believers. Maybe more?

I try again to get the pond with the flowers. Still not good enough. Thankfully goodness is not what God asks of me only a willingness to keep seeking and asking.

No Rick I will never stop reading Christian books. Which one has the answers?
There is some truth in each one but I still choose to believe what I believe.

Is this really gluten-free bread? Yes, Carol found it at a bakery in New Westminster.
Is it good? It is excellent! I have tried all kinds of glutin-free bread; baking my own and buying different ones. This baker has a secret process to duplicate glutin and after trial and error has succeded. He did this as a labour of love when a loved one developed glutin intolerance.
Doctors doubted for many years this is a real disease and certainly there was doubt about me.
Unlike the drinking of hot water the change of diet made me a believer. No more diarrea, no more bloating and pain, no more exhaustion, nausea and depression. Well I have learned that I really have to believe in this diet and stick to it. On a cold morning this is the place to be. Any doubters?

Frost on the car and getting darker. Yes, it really is fall I doubt if you can see but there is a beautiful pattern on this window. Maybe you will have to take my word for it. Sometimes we have to take the words of others and allow ourselves to believe!
God spoke through the prophets saying: The Lord says : You are precious in my sight even when you are blind! Jesus came to give us sight into the love of a God of grace and mercy!

I am rebelling this morning and not drinking my two cups of hot water first! Why? It is not doing any good and I am tired of doing it so I would say I doubt if it is doing any good.

Do any of us doubt that the world needs saving?

The Dalai Lama has come to Vancouver to teach us to re-educate our hearts. There are many other award winning people joining him in a powerful conference. They are only repeating the true message of Jesus:
kindness - yes
compassion - definitely
peacefulness - he lived it
honest - he confronted evil where ever he found it even in the pious.
Bold yet sensitive - he could not be controlled
forceful - he recognized that sin darkens the soul and makes us captives to delusions
healer - his touch and his presence was healing.

Is turning water into wine any harder than turning doubters into believers?


Anonymous said...

I never said it had to be hot water that you drank, but if it is not helping then why bother? Are you bracing your elbows against your body when you take a picture so you dont get blurry shots from movement?

beth bennett said...

No I must start to do that.

Anonymous said...

That bread looks good!



Anonymous said...

Hey, did you sleep in today? Not us, Mitch and Brittany were up at around 4AM to start their trip back to Alberta. It will be a long day at work for me today.

Anonymous said...

Yes I did sleep in today Wed. love mom