Monday, September 7, 2009


Helping hands ice the gluten-free chocolate cake!
Wow We are going places now!

In a family one story can lead to another so it is good when my memories are awakened by your memories. Now that you have had children of your own you know the difficult job of being a parent. Our love for our children is one of the strongest loves of all.

We are being blessed with rain right now; which is helping put out the fires. It is amazing what the rain can do that all those fire fighters and bombers seem to be helpless in putting out the fires. I wish it had not got quite so cold. Yesterday was windy, wet and cold.

I am struggling to accept the new car. I never felt we needed another car but now we have it.
It requires some work to be done on it which I hope is not too expensive. I do not like being in debt and when you are young you have no choice. Anyway I have been guilty of lack of enthusiasum but thankful love survives disagreements as I am now looking forward to the trips we can take in our new car. The snow will not hold us back but we will be out there driving others around.

Today looks cold and gray but I see the sky is brightning up. It's time to go for my walk while dad is still sleeping.

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