Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I came from sunny Saskatchewan to the land of umbrellas

Dad and I have built many memories together even with our different interests. I still love to read and love going to church to sing and be with friends. We had a beautiful day driving through the rain down to the Slvia.

It is a little hard to remember the childhood curiosity I had regarding God, but I do know it was very real. I loved to imagine things and I would imagine that one day I would be a writer and a singer. I loved to read and I loved to sing and I still do.

Yesterday we celebrated our 53 wedding anniversary and we remember it was a foggy damp day when we arrived in Vancouver about 9 on a Saturday night. My first plane ride was a little bumy but I was too excited and happy to notice.

I have never lost that strong and powerful yearning for the spiritual; and it has become a foundation upon which my life has been built. I have experienced many forms of worship and have glimpsed the need of the young to want to change church structure and beliefs. Through it all I have been growing spiritually.

Time for change. Time for church worship to be joyful as well as meaningful.

Memories are good and it was wonderful to have yorkshire pudding and roast beef at Sandra's house and having a visit with the family.


Anonymous said...

Did the sun come out before you headed back home? 53 years is a lot of remembering, I guess that is why couples should stay together, then they can divide the remembering in half.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess you have learned to Like
rain!!!!! Hope you had a nice day.