Thursday, October 1, 2009


Our drive into to Vancouver on Tuesday it pour rain and even some hail.
This was the pond at the Sylvia the rain making a beautiful picture.

1 Outside the beach was empty except for the odd dog walker and jojjer.

It starts to clear before we leave

I go for a short walk when I get home and enjoy the fall colours.
Yes, I am multi-tasking! I am drinking my water, curling my hair and bloging!
Yesterday I tried to search for a reason that I was feeling so weak; and all I could think of was I had done too much the day before. The senselessness and meaninglessness draws me away from God's grace into a discouraging place that I do not want to be.
I had things I was looking forward to doing, walking down to Zellers to meet friends for coffee and going for Bible Study at Deborah and Lane's house.
Just as we were getting ready to go my brother Brian phoned to wish us Happy Anniversary.
He has had a lot of pain with kidney stones and finally had an operation. He has to drink more water too and hopes they will wash any stones out that keep forming.
Brian and Trauel had also looked after their sons baffalo ranch and the bull had gone crazy and broke through a fence. Fortunely a neighbor was able to help fix the fence.
"The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to the skillful; but time and chance happen to them all."
Ecclesiastes 9:11 - 12.
I am happy for the days when I feel good and I have still to learn to surrender to the Lord and find strength in prayer and resting in His grace.


Anonymous said...

No reason for what? Writing your blog or feeling tired? Aren't you glad that you dont have 4 little kids that you have to take care of, or that dad hardly eats so you dont have to worry about feeding him, or that while you may not be able to do somethings today, you will be able to the next day. Maybe you have more type A personaly then one would first think. That was my home work last, doing personality test.

Anonymous said...

No reason to feel so weak and nauseated that I can think of. But this is my life and I am thankful I can rest but it frustrates me because there are things I want to do. I did my walk and rested all afternoon then got a little energy to cut the grass.
I am not type A and I knew I would get a bad rap. No-one understands!