Tuesday, February 8, 2011


We discover who we are 
in the story that is unfolding around us and within us.
I am off to see the specialist to-morrow and I did not expect to get an appointment for months.  My main concern is the nausea and tiredness that I have been experiencing which I wonder if I am becoming more gluten sensitive.  On good days I do very well but so often I find myself having more bad days.  Anyway I do not expect any answers but one can only do their best.  I had a lung test at the Pharmacy today and they said I had the lungs of a 99 year old.  I know I have trouble blowing out and seem to be getting short of breath more quickly.  Maybe that is good for the heart!

  I know I am very grateful and I enjoy my life.  I enjoy gardening, walking, reading, visiting the elderly, taking pictures, going to my church group, my book study group, taking pictures and especially all my family and friends.

So my life is good and I am happy. 

I am reading about our own story is like a spiritual quest that starts when we are willing to be true to who we are.  I want to keep a sense of humor and a sense of imagination which allows the soul to express itself.  I believe that serving and caring for others gives our lives meaning and I want to have the energy to be able to continue in some small way to do that.


Anonymous said...

Lungs of a 99 year old? Well, at least you are still under 100? Hope your appointment goes well and you get some of your questions answered.

beth bennett said...

I was wishing I had takenm dad back to see how he would do.

I am excited about taking probiotis and really think this may help my digestion problems and dad as well.

I really do not need to go today and feel it will be a waste of time. O well.

Feeling good this morning and had a good walk which is always good for my spirits.

love mom