Friday, June 17, 2011


Life changes so much when you marry and start having children.
My children taught me much about life and realizing what is important.
I had much to learn not only about myself but about living in a relationship.
I enjoy being creative in my writing and I realize that happiness takes being disciplined about taking time for myself. 

I believe that the sacred is an important part of life and that there should be a sacred time of day and a sacred place just to be quiet.


Anonymous said...

I remember that day at Queen Elizabeth Park so well. We were living in a hovel of a condemed tri-plex on mcdonald road in Sea island ( now the International terminal at YVR). Had begun plans to build a new home in Tsawwassen, and I was becoming very active in CATCA. you were so beautiful - still are - and we had the great plans of the young. Things didnt work out maybe just as we had hoped - but as you would maybe say - God had his own plans and we have led a blessed life.
This is your husband :)

nancy-Lou said...

That is just so have your husband say such sweet things, after all those two are the greatest!

Anonymous said...

rick again....any old photos of your other children.
this your other child (just kidding )
