Friday, February 17, 2012


It is good to be able to share my chocolates with others/
It is good to share our gifts and talents and to share our worries and concerns.

This is a story that I found written in my notebook.  Actually it is a myth but like many stories or myths there usually is a message in it.  So once upon a time there was a humble monk who wanted to be used by God to help people.  But he did not want to be praised or worshiped.
The angels heard the desire of his heart and answered his prayer by having his shadow bring good things to happen as he went about doing his daily tasks.  He was not aware of what was happening so felt no credit belonged to him.

I think that is a lot like what we all do as we go about doing simple things unaware of some of the good that comes from sharing and caring.

Dad drove me to see Jim and he was ready and waiting by the front door.  He asked if I could go to the Post Office to get a the tax form.  We drove over but they were out of them.  He was very appreciative of us doing this.

The birthday party was right next door at Chelsey Gardens.  Shirley was looking very smart and so pleased to see everyone.  I hope I am that good at 93.  Dad's voice got sore so he left early and I had a ride home.  I brought him some cake which looked good.  I enjoyed the pickles! !

There is another tea at Church today.  Pat would like dad to go so she can tell her husband, Bob, there will be at least one other man there.

Anyway share your ideas and thoughts with me.  I enjoy readingg them.  I am not typing so good because I am very cold this morning so off to have some warm breakfast wrapped up in a warm blanket,


Anonymous said...

No, you actually wrote very well this moringing mom. I liked your story about the shadow. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Hope to see you both at the tea . There will be chocolate fruits fruit and rice crackers that you could eat Beth. Jane.

Anonymous said...

P/ S. Geof will be coming to the tea also .

nancy-Lou said...

Yes that is a good story about the shadow and humility. I wish I could be more humble and caring as the monk was!
Beth, I found that I had a terrible "celiac reaction" to anything that contains the artificial sugar asparatame and looked it up on line and found out that is has some of the basic ingredients that gluten has. Just thought you should know as it is a "hidden" type of gluten and many celiacs have a bad reaction to it. Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Not spring there yet ? Jasmine woke me at 2am
to get her a drink. Very cute as she followed me to
the bathroom . Then my alarm went off at 4am.
Happy birthday dad .

beth bennett said...

thanks Ken. Dad was thrilled with his basket and had a grat time at the tea eating cake and telling stories.

Hope you had a good day at work
love mom