Thursday, February 23, 2012


My secret for finding quotes is that I often look in my old books for them so I am not really read a lot.  I usually read something spiritual and something fictional at the same time.  Morning is for the spiritual.  I look at the Bible as Good News and have given up trying to figure out complicated writings about it.  I believed it has shaped the world and helped people to find hope and forgiveness. 

It  looked like a perfect morning for a walk so I was happy as I set off for Gundy's house.  As soon as I got there the stomack ache and the nausea hit and it sure came on suddenly and very painful.  Gundy walked me back home to make sure I was okay.

Then came the phone call from Rick about something inappropriate that had shown up out of the blue on face book which could not be the best for Leah's case.  She was sitting on a chesterfield and I said she looked good.  I meant pretty.  I found this very up settimg and just couldn't understand.  Spent the morning looking for this old picture. 

I did not feel great but headed off to Jet-Lag  bible study.  They are such a good group of friends and after hearing some of their problems my life fell into proper perspective.

I came home and slept and felt a little better but not well enough to go to the pancake supper.  I felt bad about this as I would like to participate more.  I am hoping the doctor next Tuesday may give me some answers.  I am being so very careful as far as diet goes.

Dad  had a wonderful day at the beach with his friend Bob eating Fish and  Chips.  Definitely not gluten-free.  His knees were very sore when he got home.  What a pair!! 

I may just write on my spiritual blog my thoughts on God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. That has been my intention for awhile.

Ken, loved the pictures of the children !  !

I felt better in the evening but headed off to bed early.


Anonymous said...

Sorry that you felt unwell yesterday morning and that you missed the pancake dinner and the very meaningful service which followed. l took Geof to see the Crossroads church and found a group walking the
labyrinth and was able to join in . A good exercise for the first day of lent. jane

Anonymous said...

I dont think you need to worry about seperating your your spiritual stuff from here mom. I mean, that is who you are and I for one just skip that stuff (most of the time) Sore knees sounds like a good sign, means dad was out and about and walking. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Did you eat something containing glunten? or is it the flu? Hot here today. I am working so will miss the canucks game live , will listen to it and watch the replay when i get home from work.Matthew has kindy today, Melina is taking Jasmine out for lunch and shopping.Training going well , head still hurts 9 hours into the shift , so much to learn.

nancy-Lou said...

Too bad you felt ill this morning makes me wonder what you had for breakfast that perhaps contained gluten. Gluten is hidden in so many things.Today I had a stir fry at Mongo`s for lunch and was ill afterwards...I think some of the teriaki sauce contained MSG and that means gluten. Maybe you should keep a food diary and meet with a dietician.....that really helped me when I was first diagnosed. Gluten is hidden in so many things like catsup for instance!
Hope you are doing better. love, Nancy