Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I am always amazed to see the little sprong crosus coming up/

I. expect my computer to work in the same manner all the time; but it has a mind of it's own.  Or else I am doing strange things I do not even know about.

I do not know what my expectations were going to the doctor yesterday but came away disappointed.
As far as the celiac condition is concerned the doctor is pleased and said I looked better so that is good.  He explain that if the little villi are damaged the damage takes weeks to recover.  He wants me to come back in a year and a half but I do not see much purpose.  He has no answer for the nuausea or tiredness except my iron is low so I should still continue take the pills Dr. Nolte gave me as samples.

My question is I am doing better why am I not feeling better?

I guess I should buy some of the multi vitamins with iron soon.  It seems like when you start something it taked so long to have an affect.  It could explain why I am tired.  So the doctor and I seem to agree I am as good as I am going to get.

Dad and I had a nice lunch out at Milestones and bought a few goodies at Choices.  Then we dropped in to the Safeway because I thought it was 10% day but the good thing was that we had the car to take some of the heavy things home.

The funny thing was that as we were driving I was thinking of the people in our church now facing heart surgery and also the very sick people the doctor has to see.   I really am thankful.  Dad and I both found it a long day.  I went to bed and he watched hockey.  I expected them to win so went to bed at the end of the second period.  Dad thinks they should not have traded Hodgins.

It was funny that my reading in Mark's gospel was about the woman who reached out to touch the hem of Jesus's robe hoping to be heal.  What did she really expect?  She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and was getting worse rather than better.

Not only was she healed by reaching out but Jesus felt power flowing out of him.  He stopped saying I need to know who touched me.  Was she being driven by superstition?    Jesus asks her all about herself and then tells her it was her faith that made her well.

Faith has the power to transform us if we are willing to take risks
I believe Lord just help my unbelief.

I think of Mary and Michael John doing so well in their training to run faster and further, and the fact that are inspiring each other.  Mary ran the5 km in 25 minutes.  Amazing!

So glad I can get up and wrap a heated blanket around me I felt so chilled in bed. 

We have no plans but maybe go the the new library in Surrey or else just our library.


Anonymous said...

I always expect or hope that the dr will say, "Sandra all your problems are because you hate mushrooms, eat one a day for the rest of your life and you will have perfect health, no aches, no pains, mind as clear as any 20 year old" And then I will eat that nasty mushroom ta da, life is wonderful. Bur for some reason it never quite happens like that. And then the last guy I saw thought I would be disapointed that pills would not help me. I have not been to the new library yet, if Theresa and Mikey let me have Ben and Morgan for a night I was thinking it is something they might like to do. Oh, and Mary and MJ changed their minds, they are staying in Ontario. Mary said it is becaue of something I said. So, why didnt she listen to me in the first place when I said dont move? Sandra

beth bennett said...

Very well said

Sorry about M @ M
love mom

Anonymous said...

the new library is well worth a visit Geof and l were both impressed Jane

Anonymous said...

Other side effects of malabsorption can cause symptoms that can be mistaken for depression. For example, a deficiency in folic acid due to malabsorption can cause fatigue, apathy and forgetfulness.

I think you should do some heavy duty long term folic acid suplements. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Sorry to see Cody Hogson traded as well.But the new guys may help in the long run. how did the Dr test you ?

larry bennett said...

The doctor did not retest me from a year ago but looking at the blood test and because the rash that goess along with celiac has gone and I have been putting on weight. So that was enough and I said I was being extra strict on the diet. So there was no reason to be retested. It was a quick appointment and he suggested continuing to take iron and to have regular blood tests. Sandra's suggestion reminded me that he had told me before to take folic acid. So with that and the iron maybe I will have more energy etc. love mom