Sunday, February 19, 2012


It is four in the morning and I am Wide awake.  Dad is happily sleeping.  I go to the blog little room the coldest room in the house and then I carry on to have my breakfast, say my prayers and try to read.  I think for a moment of going back to bed but instead put on my warm clothes and open the door to face a windy wet dark morning.  The birds are awake too and having great fun riding the wind and diving up and down.

The first people I met are those brave souls waiting for the bus.  I think of Ken going off to work at 3:30 in the morning.  Then I meet the dog walkers who are walking fast too cold to chat.  Then come the joggers jogging up behind me looking so happy and full of life.  They smile and wave and probably think they will never be old and slow like me.  Nearly home the walkers start to come out and start their journey.

Today will be a short walk.

Nearly home I start to think of things I need to pick up at the store.  The vegetable soup is cooked and dad likes it and Theresa will be bringing her excellent potato soup and Craig and Leah desert.  The table is set and enough chairs for us all.  I hope dad enjoys his day.

I will miss church and have a little nap instead.  Common sense?

There is a healing presence that surrounds me
 and I believe that God provides healing for our souls when we stop being preoccupied and anxious.
This is a learning process for me.

God is like an old friend that speaks with unspoken words in many ways
.The soul receives what the brain does not have to process or even trying to put into words.

I see the brave little shoots of flowers coming up and am reminded that life continues on.
 Today we celebrate as a family 77 years out of which many stories have been written.
Our love expressed in the many thoughtful kind deeds we do for each other.

I believe that all of us were loved by God before we were born; and we will be loved long after we die.


Shandel said...

that is pretty early to get up! i got up at 330am and took Daisy outside. We went to bed very early so she needed to do business outside earlier. I hope Grandpa has a wonderful birthday with all of you guys. We are thinking of him today <3
Cameron and I will clean our condo and go to the gym. We have been going together every Sunday. Might have time later to take Daisy to the dog park, she sure loves it there.
Hope you enjoyed your nap after your early morning walk.
lots of love
Shandel And Cameron

nancy-Lou said...

Happy Birthday to Larry......may the coming year bring you good health and happiness. It sounds like you will have a wonderful family day...with good food. I worry about those early morning walks Beth...still dark! It is almost as warm here as there today.+6....very warm winter. Some of us miss the colder winter weather, where it is crisp and clean and the snow makes a scrunching noise as you walk. The city is ugly...brown. We still have 3 feet of snow in the bush. good for skiing. Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

too early Mom. I get up 2am to start at 330, too early,it is a horriable time to get next shifts are 12pm starts . much better.